Before the story...

What's in the App?

  • FREE Content – Added regularly

Subscribers get the following extra:

  • Full Course Access – My best 3 courses to date:
    1. How to do off ice jumps
    2. Singles to Doubles
    3. Follow along ice dance
  • Skating Specific workouts – GOAL based workouts for things like higher spirals, bigger jumps, faster rotation and more.
  • Community – Join the chat for motivation, questions and advice and sharing your wins.
  • Tracking – Log your practice time, hold yourself accountable or get notifications if you need a push, share them with yourself, me or the whole community.
  • Monthly Q+A – With me live on Zoom! send requests in advance or ask on the day
  • Screencast to smart TVs! Complete the courses and workouts on big screen in teh comfort of your home
  • Favourite your workouts and course lessons so you can jump in to what you need

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The Story - Why build an App?

I owe skating. I am in debt to skating! From the age of 5 when my mum used to take me skating to now… 35 years of skating later, 20 years of coaching later, for all it has given me – amazing friends, my beautiful wife, core memories, mindblowing achievements for me and my skaters, all the experience and knowledge… for that, I will forever be in debt!

I do this for skating, not the money, the likes or any other reason – That’s why I post daily on social media, that’s why I give full-depth tutorials away for free on YouTube, and that’s why the cost of anything I’ve ever ‘sold’ has always been reasonable!

This app is the accumulation of my whole skating and coaching journey, it’s the biggest thing I’ve ever done! All those years of knowledge and experience are going into this – A pioneering App where skaters can request what they need and we can build together something that will truly help because you can learn and achieve online with ice skating!

It was 2020...

I was counting my blessings having access to an ice rink only 5 minutes from my house. Another happy day of smiling skaters achieving new things and me being challenged by their skating needs – I was living the dream as I had been for over 10 years.

I remembered the news, they said: “We will be going into lockdown”.

 “What does that mean for ice coaches? What about the skaters?” The short-term shock of “what were we going to do??” While trying to explain the situation to my confused and worried kids’ faces, while hiding my own, and feeling a huge responsibility to help them and my skaters.

Only a few online resources existed, it was clear, as I spent time online that the skating community was so grateful for any off-ice help, motivation, and positivity we could bring!

 The next year was spent on Zoom, teaching, learning from coaches I never had access to before, motivating the community and posting constantly new content to help. Online skating was possible and I was on a mission!

 But the hero of this story is NOT me. The heroes here are the skating community!

 A request came in from them – “Can you make a video showing us how to do all the jumps off ice?” I thought, “why not?”.

When I put it out there it went really well – people were so grateful!

When people had seen that training they asked again – “Can you make a video on how to get from singles to double jumps?”

So I did, and that went crazy too! I’ve hosted 3 courses now on my website and all have done well, in total over 250 skaters have learnt from them and that is mind-blowing to me!

 I’m just a passionate coach, I’ve had a journey like many other coaches but here are 250 skaters from around the world learning from me! “Wow!” I thought to myself!

 Ugh! Technology!

 With my website, I ran into endless problems, “how do I get these courses out there?”, “how do I take payments?”, “how do I get this plugin to work with that plugin?” – If you’ve ever built a website you’ll know the stress I’m talking about here! Skaters told me they could only access this information on their PC, they wanted an APP!

So now thanks to an online App builder it has been easy for me to bring all the learnings to you guys in an easy-to-use, easy-to-manage, easy-to-build-on App!

Now skaters can have these courses and knowledge, and community, and motivation and workouts in the palm of their hand, at the rink, on the bus and at home! With less headaches for me with tech and more benefits for you!

What's in the App?

  • FREE Content – Added regularly

Subscribers get the following extra:

  • Full Course Access – My best 3 courses to date:
    1. How to do off ice jumps
    2. Singles to Doubles
    3. Follow along ice dance
  • Skating Specific workouts – GOAL based workouts for things like higher spirals, bigger jumps, faster rotation and more.
  • Community – Join the chat for motivation, questions and advice and sharing your wins.
  • Tracking – Log your practice time, hold yourself accountable or get notifications if you need a push, share them with yourself, me or the whole community.
  • Monthly Q+A – With me live on Zoom! send requests in advance or ask on the day
  • Screencast to smart TVs! Complete the courses and workouts on big screen in teh comfort of your home
  • Favourite your workouts and course lessons so you can jump in to what you need

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