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We provide online subscriptions for ice skaters who seek information and online coaching to help them add to their own learnign journey on the ice. Seek professional, licenced coaching at home or on the ice at a time thats convenient for you. Join today to discover just how helpful having the extra help you need really makes a difference.




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  • Exclusive Resources and tips via our mailing list
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£ 5.99 / mo


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  • Exclusive content released earlier than social media
  • Exclusive Resources and tips via our mailing list
  • Discount on iSkateCoach products and services
  • Monthly LIVE Q+A Via ZOOM
  • 1 Class Recordings per month - choose a different class each month
  • Submit questions Ask a coach a skating question*
£ 14.99 / mo


Video Submit for advice

  • Exclusive content released earlier than social media
  • Exclusive Resources and tips via our mailing list
  • Discount on iSkateCoach products and services
  • Monthly LIVE Q+A Via ZOOM
  • 1 Class Recordings per month - choose a different class each month
  • Submit questions Ask a coach a skating question*
  • Submit video's for feedback Ask a coach video feedback*

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£ 29.99 / per month
  • Regular newsletter with loads of skating tips, free content and advice
  • Exclusive content before social media
  • Exclusive promotions and discounts to iSkateCoach products (Save ££)
  • Monthly LIVE Q+A with coaches for advice (Worth £15)
  • 2 x 45 minute recordings of off ice classes per month (Worth £12)
  • Submit videos for feedback from a coach Worth £15)
  • Customised off ice plan covering all area's for skating Worth £30)
  • Fair use limits apply

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