
NOT Required if you wish to remain annonamous

Team(s) my child is in

You can do this feedback for each team or all in general

Working in our teams inspires my child to do their best

1 = disagree 5=neither agree nor disagree 10 = 100% agree

Our teams have a meaningful purpose

I know the purpose of the team and what it means to others rated 1 = disagree 5=neither agree nor disagree 10 = 100% agree

My child clearly understands their role

Captain, Selected member, alternate, skating up, trialler 1 = disagree 5=neither agree nor disagree 10 = 100% agree

The teams are always trying to improve

1 = disagree 5=neither agree nor disagree 10 = 100% agree

My child has the skills they need to do the programs

1 = disagree 5=neither agree nor disagree 10 = 100% agree

Communication between coaches and parents is open and honest

1 = disagree 5=neither agree nor disagree 10 = 100% agree

Parents are proud to have their child in our team

1 = disagree 5=neither agree nor disagree 10 = 100% agree

We set and meet challenging goals

1 = disagree 5=neither agree nor disagree 10 = 100% agree

Our training time is very effective

1 = disagree 5=neither agree nor disagree 10 = 100% agree

Our results are consistent

1 = disagree 5=neither agree nor disagree 10 = 100% agree

I am hopeful for the future of our club

1 = disagree 5=neither agree nor disagree 10 = 100% agree

Attendance for practice is good

1 = disagree 5=neither agree nor disagree 10 = 100% agree

Next season we would like to focus on

Fair vs Strength 1=Fairness 100% / 2=more fair but some strength considered / 3=Good balance of fairness and strength / 4=Strength more with some fairness / 5=100% strongest team always

We like our child being part of synchro because…

We think the team work this hard

I feel like our child works this hard for the team

I’d like us to work this hard

The challenge of synchro for my child is

Synchro is this fun for my child

Our training time on ice is

Our training time off ice is

The value for money from what my child receives from doing synchro is

For everything my child gets from skating in these teams.... 1 = no value / 10 = amazing value

Are there any ways you can personally help the club?

Do you have any skills, contacts or ways you can help us?

Any other ideas, improvements or compliments...